Another Holocaust?

By Jan Willem van der Hoeven
Would anyone have believed it - when people all over the world were shocked to hear, and see the first pictures, of the horrifying crime of mass-destruction perpetrated with Nazi precision against innocent Jewish men, women and children; that this horror - which nearly everyone foreswore - would be threatened again WITHIN A CENTURY upon what would be left of this very same forlorn and, by many, hated people?

And yet we are witnesses, as the Muslim Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad raves on - like Hitler - to destroy this people once again.

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By Jan Willem van der Hoeven
Would anyone have believed it – when people all over the world were shocked to hear, and see the first pictures, of the horrifying crime of mass-destruction perpetrated with Nazi precision against innocent Jewish men, women and children; that this horror – which nearly everyone foreswore – would be threatened again WITHIN A CENTURY upon what would be left of this very same forlorn and, by many, hated people?

And yet we are witnesses, as the Muslim Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad raves on – like Hitler – to destroy this people once again. He races to acquire nuclear weapons to achieve this horrifying goal, with nearly the whole world again looking on and doing nothing to stop this cruel madman in his tracks.

Looking on, as almost the whole Muslim world seems either to nod in silent approval of the Iranian’s plans or worse; joins him with their own weapons of mass destruction in order to finish off what Hitler left of this harassed and, by nearly all forsaken, nation!

Ahmadinejad’s cohorts – Hamas to Israel’s south; the Hizbollah to Israel’s north; the hundreds of VX-Gas-tipped SCUD missiles in the hands of the Syrian murderer Assad to Israel’s north-east, and of course – to the very east -Ahmadinejad himself behind them all with his soon-to-be-manufactured nuclear bombs.

Would anyone in 1948 – three years after the first Holocaust when, by way of the United Nations Partition Plan, Israel was voted into the family of nations – have believed that within a century they would be, whipped up by an equally-dangerous anti-Jewish and anti-Israel spirit as that of the Nazis, again threatened with extinction?

Not only this, but that the world at large as we see it today – the Europeans, the U.S. under Obama’s pro-Islamic sentiment, Russia, China, the whole Muslim world including Turkey, the world bodies as the UN, the International Court of Justice – would all band together in fierce and totally hypocritical condemnation or criticism against the very victim of this renewed threatened onslaught?

It is all too horrible to take in.

What happened with all the resolutions and outcries at the terrible sight of what this Jewish nation suffered only 70 years ago – that THIS WOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN AGAIN? And it is – as it seems – happening again; and, again, the world appears quite prepared to not only let it happen again, but to understand, support and aid with weapons or political and economic assistance these very nations who like Hitler have sworn secretly or publicly to do away once and for all this hated Jewish state of Israel in their Muslim midst!

No – The nations do not come to the defense of the tiny, plucky Israeli nation threatened by all these wolves!

Oh no. They instead criticize Israel for “unreasonably” defending herself against the enemies sworn to her destruction. “War crimes!” they cry, or forbid the Israelis to build houses in their own, God-given land, small (small like the state of New Jersey) as it is.

The Arabs can live and build their houses all over Israel: in the Negev, in the Galilee, and all over the country; they can live peacefully among the Israelis who allow them this. But the Jewish people cannot build in their own ancient land and cities – not in Bethlehem where the greatest Jew ever was born from a Jewish mother, not in Jericho the first city conquered by the Israelite Joshua, not in any part what the world calls the West Bank that needs – according to this hypocritical international community – to become fully and completely judenrein!

But Arabs – many with deep sympathies for Israel’s ISLAMIC enemies – will be permitted by Israel’s tolerant democratic legislature to continue to live in Nazareth, in Jerusalem, in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, and all the places they may wish.

The Jewish state, in a peace agreement with its Arab enemies, does not ask for an Arabrein Israel.

Only the world, blindly backing all the Muslim jihadists, requires this from Israel. Therefore Israel has to freeze all settlement activity immediately and forthwith – BUT NO SUCH DEMAND is made by the nations concerning illegal building by Muslim Arabs.

Israel is cleverly and sinisterly shown to be responsible for her own soon-heaped- upon destruction by all her own acts of so-called unhelpful obstructing of those people and nations who already vowed Israel’s destruction before the Six Day War when there was as yet no “Israeli occupation” of these territories!

Thus is the memory of the world so helpfully thin, that it has conveniently forgotten that the P.L.O. (‘Palestine – all of it needs to be liberated’) was formed in 1964 when Jordan – not Israel – occupied the “West Bank;” that Nasser of Egypt, on the eve of that war, threatened to solve the “Jewish problem” (not so much the Palestinian problem!) once and for all by driving all Israel into the Mediterranean Sea.

It never was a dispute over the present occupied territories in the minds of those Muslims back then. It was the very existence of the Jewish state in their Muslim midst that was the unacceptable thorn in their eye and jihadist philosophy.

So where are those in the world who spoke out against the indescribable evil suffered by the Jewish people during the Holocaust; who declared that at least this – such a cruelly-perpetrated genocide – would never be allowed to happen again?

Where are these so-called morally indignant people now, even among some of the Western politicians, journalists and religious leaders of today’s world? Where are they!?

Do we hear the voice of alarm from leaders of today’s church – be it the Vatican, the World Council of Churches, Presbyterian Synod and the like? Often on the side of the Palestinians and Muslims, they are never on the side of the little nation of Israel, which stands on the threshold of another holocaust.

Can one really believe it? Most church leaders and synods often unilaterally -condemn Israel AND NOT THOSE who prepare her extinction. The frequent condemnations by most of the official church look quite the same as the frequent unilateral condemnations of Israel by the UN, where the Muslim nations in any case have an assured automatic majority.

The truth is: Israel is alone. Under Obama she has lost her last remaining friend – the United States. Israel is alone to face the onslaught of Iran’s Ahmadinejad, Hizbollah’s Nasrallah, the Hamas-oriented Palestinians, Syria’s Assad, Turkey’s new Islamic-turned government, the Europeans, the international bodies always stacked against her, and Russia and China – who are always poised to help Israel’s enemies.

Israel is terribly alone. And yet, there is a God in heaven who is called the God of Israel, and who threatens any person or nation with His fierce judgment if they continue to touch the apple of His eye. Woe to those people and to those nations at this time, for God will not allow another holocaust. He says it so plainly, and this will soon be seen to be His answer and response to all these nations.

For the nation and the kingdom which will not serve you [Israel] shall perish, and those nations shall be utterely ruined. (Isaiah 60:12)

But also the opposite is true: Those who curse Israel in the end will be cursed, BUT HE WHO BLESSES ISRAEL WILL BE BLESSED.

Those who, like Ruth, will make the people of Israel their beloved people will find a God who, just as He will repay the nations of the world for their lack of support for Israel, will reward, bless and prosper those who – like Corrie Ten Boom and many others – take this nation to their heart and bosom.

May they be blessed by that same God – the God of Israel!

Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director
International Christian Zionist Center

© Israel My Beloved




The PLO was instituted in 1964 three years before the six day war in June 1967 when Israel, in a war of self-defense, recovered the so-called “West Bank”, now seen and proclaimed by nearly everybody as the quintessence crux of the Middle East problem.
This however shows that the PLO (All Palestine needs to be liberated) was not formed to erect a Palestinian state on the ‘so called’ West Bank but was instituted to replace all of Israel with a Muslim Palestinian State.

A Word From Zion

The New Testament Basis for the Restoration of Israel

Jesus was asked by His disciples whether He would restore the kingdom to Israel at that time, to which He replied:
Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.